Things Don’t Break on Their Own by Sarah Easter Collins #review

Book cover of Things Don't Break on Their Own by Sarah Easter Collins

Today’s book review is of Things Don’t Break on Their Own. Read on to find out what I thought…

Title: Things Don’t Break on Their Own
Sarah Easter Collins
Publisher: Viking


Twenty-five years ago, a young girl left home to walk to school. Her younger sister soon followed. But one of them arrived, and one of them didn’t. Her sister’s disappearance has defined Willa’s life. Everyone thinks her sister is dead, but Willa knows she isn’t. Because there are some things only sisters know about each other—and some bonds only sisters can break.

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My review:

I really enjoyed this taut drama about friends, dysfunctional families, and secrets.

In Things Don’t Break On Their Own, we’re following a group of people, some of whom are friends and some are partners, as they meet together for dinner. It soon becomes clear that there is a lot of history between some of the characters.

We switch between the present-day narrative – at dinner – and the past stories of some of the characters as they grow up – particularly the friendship between Robyn and Willa. Willa’s sister Laika disappeared one day many years ago and Willa has always wondered what happened to her. As we move between timelines, we start to uncover what really happened…

This book definitely has some big reveals, and I really enjoyed the multiple narratives and perspectives. You might have to suspend your disbelief for one coincidence which is featured but it’s an enjoyable, gripping and absorbing book which never felt over the top. The book radiates tension and the author skilfully develops the characters, who I enjoyed getting to know. I recommend Things Don’t Break on Their Own and I’m looking forward to reading more from Sarah Easter Collins in the future.

My rating: 4/5

Many thanks to Viking for providing a copy of this book on which I chose to write an honest review.


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