You and Me by Nicola Rayner #review @avonbooks @Nico1aRayner

Title: You and Me
Author: Nicola Rayner
Publisher: Avon Books


Watching sunrises together should have been romantic.

But you were always inside with your wife, and I sat in your garden, in the shadows.

I thought you’d never know how I felt about you.

Until one night, I witnessed a terrible crime.

I wanted it to bring us closer together.

But now the secrets are tumbling out.

And they could tear everything apart…

My review:

This book has made me really want to read more by Nicola Rayner – it’s a suspensful, addictive read about a socially awkward woman, called Fran, who witnesses an accident. Dickie, a man she used to go to school with (and didn’t get along with), falls in front of an underground train and is killed. Fran was only there at the time to watch (stalk) his best friend Charles, who she has been in love since she was a teenager. She starts to wonder if it was, in fact, truly an accident…

You and Me feels like a pyschological thriller with plenty of mystery and twists, but has a protagonist who – although quite odd and makes some dubious decisions – I found to be likeable and interesting. She’s certainly unreliable at times, and there’s moments when what she admits to the reader sets alarm bells off – she is very intense and the way she behaves around Charles is very strange. However, I really felt for her, and I feel like the back story of the character was very well developed – the author did a great job of making me really care about Fran and what had happened to her sister. She’s the perfect mix – she could be hiding more than she lets on, but I was also really rooting for her!

The plot moves along at a great pace without feeling rushed, and though there are some points where you may have to suspend your disbelief a little, I found myself completely engrossed in the story.

You and Me is a real page turner, and I really enjoyed this exciting, entertaining read!

Rating: 4/5

Many thanks to the publisher, Avon Books, for providing a copy of this novel on which I chose to write an honest and unbiased review.


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