WWW Wednesday [16th October 2019]

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme, hosted by Sam at Taking On a World of Words.

Visit her blog to take a look, and get involved too if you can, even if you don’t have a blog yourself – as she says, you can leave your answers in the post comments. I’d love to see your answers too!

The three W’s are:

  1. What have you finished reading?
  2. What are you currently reading?
  3. What will you read next?

What have you finished reading?

This is going to hurt – Adam Kay [read my review]
A Nearly Normal Family – M.T. Edvardsson

What are you currently reading?

Brazen: Rebel Ladies Who Rocked the World – Pénélope Bagieu

What will you read next?

Stop at Nothing – Tammy Cohen



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