The Murder after the Night Before by Katy Brent #review

Book cover of The murder after the night before by Katy Brent

Title: The Murder After the Night Before
Katy Brent
Publisher: HQ


Something terrible happened last night. My best friend Posey is dead. The police think it was a tragic accident, but something doesn’t feel right. Posey was keeping secrets, and I owe it to her to find out what happened. But I can’t remember a thing… I’ve woken up with a hangover from hell, a stranger in my bed, and, to add to all this chaos, I’ve gone viral for all the wrong reasons. But that won’t stop me from getting to the truth…

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My review:

Another great read from Katy Brent, author of How to Kill Men and Get Away With It (which I also really enjoyed), in this novel we’re following Molly Monroe, who wakes up one morning with an almighty hangover – but things get a lot worse as she realises her flatmate is dead. It seems Posey died accidentally in the bath, but Molly isn’t so sure…

I really liked the characterisation in this novel. Molly is good fun, likeable and entertaining. She may cock up sometimes but at heart she is a good person. I liked her investigation into what happened to Posey – it slowly unfurls as you discover more about what Posey might have been caught up in, and there are some satisfying twists (though one twist I saw coming from a mile off… but it was still good fun!)

This novel has plenty of dark humour, and although it touches on some serious topics, I think it deals with them well. I liked the ending and felt the novel stood out amongst other similar books in the same genre.

I really enjoyed The Murder After the Night Before and would recommend it to anyone looking for a fun, fast-paced, and mysterious read.

My rating: 4/5

Many thanks to the publisher, HQ, for providing a copy of this book on which I chose to write an honest review.

The Murder After The Night Before is out in the UK on 1 February 2024.


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