Title: The Undiscovered Deaths of Grace McGill
Author: CS Roberston
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton
Death is not the end.
For Grace McGill, it’s only the beginning.When people die alone and undiscovered, it’s her job to clean up what’s left behind – whether it’s clutter, bodily remains or dark secrets.
When an old man lies undetected in his flat for months, it seems an unremarkable life and an unnoticed death. But Grace knows that everyone has a story and that all deaths mean something more.
My review:
The Undiscovered Deaths of Grace McGill is a thoroughly entertaining, twisted novel following Grace, a cleaner. She’s not just your ‘average’ cleaner though – Grace cleans up after people who have died and not been discovered for a while. Grace lives alone with her cat, and that’s the way she likes it.
Grace finds herself intrigued by a house she cleans of an old man who was not discovered for a long time. She starts to delve into his history and finds herself drawn into a bit of a mystery… but this isn’t all there is to it! Grace is far deeper than you might think.
I think Grace is a brilliant character. She’s a strong, willfull person and brings enough humour to keep this novel from becoming too grim (though it is still pretty dark and twisted!). I like her no-bullsh*t approach and she feels like a very different character to the type we usually read about.
The plot is gripping – lots of twists to keep you guessing and a surprise you (probably) won’t see coming! This is definitely one to read if you fancy a refreshing, absorbing read that stands apart from other books in this genre.
Rating: 4/5
Many thanks to Hodder & Stoughton for providing a copy of this novel on which I chose to write an honest review.
The Undiscovered Deaths of Grace McGill is released in the UK on 20 January 2022.