Title: Both of You
Author: Adele Parks
Publisher: HQ
Leigh Fletcher: happily married stepmum to two gorgeous boys goes missing on Monday. Her husband Mark says he knows nothing of her whereabouts. She simply went to work and just never came home. Their family is shattered.
Kai Janssen: married to wealthy Dutch businessman, Daan, vanishes the same week. Kai left their luxurious penthouse and glamourous world without a backward glance. She seemingly evaporated into thin air. Daan is distraught.
DC Clements knows that people disappear all the time – far too frequently. Most run away from things, some run towards, others are taken but find their way back. A sad few never return. These two women are from very different worlds, their disappearances are unlikely to be connected. And yet, at a gut level, the DC believes they are.
How could these women walk away from their families, husbands and homes willingly? Clements is determined to unearth the truth, no matter how shocking and devastating it may be.
My review:
I knew very little about Both of You before starting it, and I’m so glad of this because I got to enjoy lots of surprises, twists and mystery…
Wife and stepmother to two kids, Leigh, goes missing on a work trip. Her husband reports her missing. Not long after, Kai, wife to a wealthy Dutch businessman, also goes missing. DC Clements suspects that there is a link between the two…
I don’t want to say too much about the plot as it will give too much away, but it’s a real page-turner and a book that I didn’t want to put down. It’s not really what you’d call an ‘action-packed read’ – a lot of it focuses on character development and the slow reveal of exactly who these two women were – but Adele Parks writes in such an absorbing, entertaining way that I never felt bored. I also didn’t feel that the occurrences within Both of You‘s pages were too dramatic or unbelievable, it was just very readable. I felt myself get pulled into the plot, which has plenty of intrigue and domestic strife, and I can say that without a doubt I hugely enjoyed it.
I guessed one of the twists a little while before it was revealed but this didn’t take away from my overall enjoyment. I haven’t read any of Adele Parks’s novels before, so I’m not sure how like her other novels this one is, but it certainly made me want to read more by her!
Rating: 4.5/5
Many thanks to the publisher, HQ, for providing a copy of this novel on which I chose to write an honest review.